At work today I was looking at this gorgeous little picnic basket and thinking to myself "can I justify buying this, even though I have nothing to put in it, nowhere to put it, and am unlikely to be having enough picnics for it to actually be put to use?". I stood there looking at it, it was so cute and homey, I just had to find a use. (Please excuse my terrible photography, I really should take these photos during the day, but I just get too excited to wait!)
And then I thought "Hey! I could put all my sewing/crafty/stitchy stuff in it!", and thus my first ever craft basket was born. I would call it a sewing basket, but as you can see it also has in it my brand new (bought today) set of alphabet stamps that I bought while dragging Mark through The Works for the first time. Inside there are also the two rolls of ribbon I bought from Leo's today that will hopefully look splendid on my Christmas presents, if I ever track down some Christmas stamps locally and a red or green ink pad. I'll admit I haven't really.. looked yet, but I haven't really had time either. Of course I managed to find the best online crafty store everrr with the best Christmas rubber stamps everrr. It's called Paper Source, and of course it's in America which means expensive and slow shipping to poor old Fi. It's times like these I wonder why I don't live in America. Or why there aren't better online crafty shops in Australia. Either way it's really irritating.
I was super excited to hear from Natalie over at Arthur's Circus today, she managed to find time to go to the Post Office to get the postage price for my very delightful Shinzi Katoh Bird stamp set which you can see here, and where I blogged about it here. It seems I have a bit of a thing for stamps at the moment, and I have no idea why because it's not like I send a lot of mail or make invitations for anything... I guess I'll just have to start! I love that about crafty stuff, you buy something because you crave it so desperately, then just have to find a use for it :)
oooh... I love it! Was it really, REALLY expensive? or just slightly? lol... I need something to keep all my sewing machine threads in cos they are kinda just strewn all over my desk at the moment... which is fine until I have to go back to Uni I spose...
It was $10 :D I may have given myself a 'slight' discount from $15, but hey I sold it to like 3 customers accidentally for $10 so I figured I could have it for that much as well. We have so many cheap baskets in the Christmas room at leos for hampers it's awesome, I meant to buy this last year and forgot!
lol... I probably should have read the title more fully before asking you how much it cost? Are there purply/pinky coloured ones?
haha I changed the title after you left the comment, just in case anyone else was wondering, so don't feel too silly! Alas we only have this colour, though I saw at Bed, Bath & Table they had different coloured ones, but without the lid. And they also cost more there hehe ;)
yay... now I don't feel so stupid! I guess I'll just have to line one with some of my new nuno material then... jealous? haha...
oh man you are truly evil, excuse me while I go and sulk in a corner for a minute..
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