Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Stitchy love!

After walking merrily to the post office yesterday to pick up a parcel, expecting it to be my new stitching book, I was a bit disappointed that it was only the present my parents bought my boyfriend for Christmas. Or more specifically, part of the present I was going to buy for my boyfriend but my parents decided they wanted to buy it for him instead and now I need to find something else to buy for him. Phew, that was a mouthful. So I was overjoyed when I checked the mail this morning to discover a box sitting cosily in my mailbox (I swear the postie has a key to our mailbox, how else would he fit all these packages in there?!).

I ripped open the box and there it was, my Sublime Stitching book which I'd bought off Amazon after using the cupcake and cake stand transfers at Pip's last stitching night. I love how cheap Amazon is, it was even cheaper than the Sublime Stitching website! Sorry Jenny, but I'm a gal on a budget. I'm so excited to get it and now I just need to decide what my next stitching adventure will entail and what it will be.. entailed.. on to. I think I need to learn a few more stitches first so I can make everything look a bit more snazzy, sadly I cannot backstitch everything. While I'm on the topic I found a fantastic blog last night that has a heap of stitching tutorials. Have I mentioned how much I love google lately? So this is the blog and if you look to the right hand side toolbar you'll find the links to a million different stitches, and she explains them wonderfully too. Today while cleaning I was looking at an embroidered lamp shade and saying to myself "oh that's a chain stitch there, oh and a french knot there", I felt oh so domestic.

In other news I was delighted to discover (after 2 hours of drooling over the website) that I can actually buy any of the items from the Japanese Shinzi Katoh website by using an order form on the English website. Hurrah! My bank balance may not be as excited as I am thought. Firstly I need to decide what to get! See my problem is that I want the cafe mug, the glass cafe mug, the soup mug, a stamp set, a tea tray and a mystyle glass. And I was about 3 of each because I can't decide between the designs. Do you think I can afford all that? Oh and postage, which I think is a lot. Oh dear, looks like I'll need more hours at Leo's if I want to buy all/any of this!


Tara said...

LOL... very accurate description of catalogue walking! I had a bit of an ordeal on Monday when I was lifting my trolley into my car and it decided to snap... it still wheels it just doesn't stand upright on its own (it's one of those granny ones with only 2 wheels)... so I had to get my mum up out of bed at 8am on her day off to come walking with me for 3 hours bcos I couldn't put the trolley down.... aargh...

I am very close to throwing all this lot in the bin but I can't bring myself to do it... I am just too honest... although, it was due by 6pm last night and I haven't started it yet... haha... and I've only rolled half of it...

mental breakdown is exactly how I would put it, I just CAN'T do it any more... but I think I will deliver the half I have already rolled... otherwise that was a waste of time... plus I don't think it would all fit in my bin!! haha... I'm going to post a photo on my blog now... hopefully it doesn't bring back all the nightmares for you!!

janet said...

Hi, Fiona. Thanks for the link and mention of my Stitch School posts. Nice to know I have readers across the world from me!